Ray Holland Blog

Dual Awareness–Excerpt 15 Out of Restraints

Dual Awareness–Excerpt 15 Out of Restraints

Capacity of the Awakened Child: Dual Awareness When we develop normally (with a “good enough” childhood environment), ego states are coconscious and relatively integrated in their functioning. Forgash & Copeley When, thus, warmly invited into the garden, born into...

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Pain–10th excerpt from Out of Restraints

Pain–10th excerpt from Out of Restraints

The Wounded Animal in a Fallen World Helpless, Overwhelmed, Burdened Sometimes I forget completely  what companionship is. Unconscious and insane, I spill Sad energy everywhere.  Rumi   Pain is vulnerability, and pained mammals are designed to go to one another to...

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Ego Thinks–8th excerpt from Out of Restraints

Ego Thinks–8th excerpt from Out of Restraints

What the Ego (Thinks It) Knows Grasping, Delusional, Righteous   Oh the world is a beautiful place/to be born into if you don’t much mind . . . .                                             . . ..its men of distinction/and its men of extinction and its priests/and...

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