Ray Holland Blog
V. Deconstructing the Fall, 25th excerpt from Out of Restraints
V. Deconstructing the Fall “Much have I travel’d in the realms of gold And many godly states and kingdoms seen.” John Keats, On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer I wonder how many of us can recognize the Inspired Energies and...
Beyond Sacred Perception: Intergenerational Responsibility 24th excerpt from Out of Restraints
Beyond Sacred Perception: Intergenerational Responsibility Intergenerational Responsibility Awakened, Sound, Divining The Buddha needs us for awakening, understanding and love to be real things and not just concepts. They must be real things that have real effects on...
The Capacity of the Visionary: Sacred Perception. 23rd excerpt from Out of Restraints
The Capacity of the Visionary: Sacred Perception. May we learn to return And rest in the beauty Of animal being, Learn to lean low, Leave our locked mind, And with freed senses Feel the earth Breathing beneath us. John O’Donohue. “Eternal Echoes” O’Donohue describes...
Internal Relational Energies of Powerful-Play Creates the Visionary 22rd excerpt from Out of Restraints
Internal Relational Energies of Powerful-Play Creates the Visionary Visionary Energy of Powerful-Play Creates the Visionary We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first...
Beyond Unconditional Love: Discernment, 22nd excerpt from Out of Restraints
Beyond Unconditional Love: Discernment Discernment Inquiry, Attention, Honesty I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart. e. e. cummings As they are self-governing, foxes naturally let their partner live free. But together they are also practicing the art of...
The Lover’s Attunement and Powerful-Work 21st excerpt from Out of Restraints
The Lover’s Attunement and Powerful-Work Creates the Capacity for Unconditional Love Unconditional Love Dancing, Sensual, Attuned “In this love, you’re understood as you’re without mask or pretension. The superficial and functional lies and half-truths of social...
Inspired Relations, 20th excerpt from Out of Restraints
IV Inspired Relations I Knew a Lover Named Raven Raven was a jester, much too energetic in the morning, Like the sun was bright. Let me stay blind, or in the dark, Eyes tight, cracked just enough not to fall on my intellect. For my head was important. I would need it...
Fulfillment, 19th excerpt Out of Restraints
Beyond Negative Capability: Fulfillment Fulfillment Recovery, Awakening, Purposeful Tell me what you yearn for, and I shall tell you who you are. We are what we reach for, the idealized image that drives our wandering. James Hillman, The Soul’s Code A Bear eating...
The Artist’s Flow & Loving-Work 18th excerpt from Out of Restraints
The Artist’s Flow & Loving-Work Creates the Capacity for Negative Capability Letting go, Readiness, Spontaneity Art is not a thing. It’s a way. Elbert Hubbard In her Loving-Playfulness, mindful flowering, the Awakened Child has come to know some of her own...
ARTIST, 17th excerpt–Out of Restraints
Artist It (creativity) is both deliberate and uncontrollable, mindful and mindless, work and play. Scott Barry Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire, Wired to Create The Artist has a relationship with Inspiration (often personified as the Muse, who holds her softly...