Ray Holland Blog

Family Bullying excerpt 33 Out of Restraints

Family Bullying excerpt 33 Out of Restraints

Family Bullying   I compare human life to a large Mansion of Many Apartments, two of which I can only describe, the doors of the rest being as yet shut upon me.  John Keats Our psyches are complex and most of us carry attachment injuries. In this field, beyond the sad...

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VI Enlarging excerpt 30th from Out of Restraints

VI Enlarging excerpt 30th from Out of Restraints

Enlarging--The Heart Finds a Focus “That in you which recognizes madness as madness (even if it’s your own) is sanity, is the arising awareness, is the end of insanity.” Eckard Tolle   What is (what I call our Inspiration) cannot be fully presented as a something, yet...

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The Warmup excerpt 29th Out of Restraints

The Warmup “It (spontaneity) propels the individual towards an adequate response to a new situation or a new response to an old situation. Thus, while creativity is related to the act itself, spontaneity is related to the warming up to the readiness of the act.” ...

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