Ray Holland Blog
Quality of Inspiration Nourishing
Nourishing Child-like, Healing, Safe They teased out the seed that the cold kept asleep— All the coils, loops, and whorls, they trellised the sun; they plotted for more than themselves. Theordore Roethke, Frau Bauman, Frau, Schmidt, and...
Inquisitive Quality of Inspiration
Inquisitive Wild, Curious, Open The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. Joseph Campbell. Reflections on the Art of Living Inquisitiveness—starts the Enlarging. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes...
Jewels: An Epilogue excerpt 48th Out of Restraints
Spring Jewels Jewels and I go for a walk on our dirt road every morning. Back and forth, in startles and leaps. She’s unable to move in a straight line, While keeping her eye on dangerous tall grass in the wind. She stares at me with that long question, until she does...
XI Healing and Growing excerpt 47th Out of Restraints
XI Healing and Growing “Everything psychic is pregnant with the future.” Carl Jung, CW, para 53 Now that I have achieved some loosening of the restraints, no longer at least helpless in the seclusion room up to my neck in a body suit with ribs of unbreakable plastics,...
Pain into Ritual 46th excerpt Out of Restraints
Pain into Ritual—A Turning Point Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; More anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned. Yeats, The Second Coming The Bear and child are engaged in a...
Turning Point–45th excerpt of Out of Restraints
Pain into Ritual as a Turning point If there’s to be a crucial Turning Point in the Heart-drama, if we are not just playing with a detour that returns us to the well-worn spot where we started, then we will need to embrace some daily rituals. The heart of any action...
Pain into Ritual 44th excerpt Out of Restraints
X Pain into Ritual The P in EXPAND “We are lived by powers we pretend to understand.” Auden Now that we see the barriers as energy-forms which enter our inner and outer stage, now that we understand “the problem,” the question becomes, “What next?” As I will use the...
The Shopkeeper 43rd excerpt–Out of Restraints
The Shopkeeper Normalizing, Obedient, Opportunistic “Stated a bit differently, (Stanley) Milgram revealed that for a remarkable number of people, it is very difficult to disobey authority figures, but quite easy for them to set aside their conscience.” ...
Enactment of Cruelty 42nd excerpt Out of Restraints
Inner/Relational Fragmentation— Enactment of Cruelty Hunters The hunters are firing their guns around our house again. They are down in the thick brush, the darker slopes. I haven’t seen all the predator’s faces, but I find comfort To think I know the type, on their...
The Android–41st excerpt Out of Restraints
Veiled Enactment of Superiority Robotic, Abandoning, Still Androids don’t care what happens to other androids . . .that’s one of the indications we look for. Phillip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep? This image depicts two well-prepared adults in...