Ray Holland Blog

What I Learned from Bob # 6

What I Learned from Bob # 6

The crises on-the-ground related to substance abuse and AIDS was rapidly intensifying. Clients were frightened and dying in astounding numbers, getting incarcerated, treated as pariahs, selling off their possessions to get drugs, losing marriages and jobs. But that...

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A Dose of Shame #2

A Dose of Shame #2

Prelude Fair seed-time had my soul, and I grew up Foster’d alike by beauty and by fear.              William Wordsworth, The Prelude [i] A dose of shame can sometimes soften the defended Heart, make our weaknesses and unavoidable, remind us of our humanity. But it...

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Skyward–poem from the book

Skyward–poem from the book

                               Lord Lucky Merriweather Long dead, my dog, Lucky, chased rocks I threw, even down into the beaver pond. He would pluck those balls clenched in his teeth Off the muddy bottom and come up gagging. He had a furious commitment to the game,...

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Heart-drama-excerpt from the book #1

Heart-drama-excerpt from the book #1

Lucky My first dog was named Lucky Merriweather. He was a liver-colored Springer Spaniel with scraggly hair that stuck like fur potholders to the furniture. When I was a young boy, he was a solid, steady force for me. We were puppies together for a time, and, with...

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