Ray Holland Blog
White wolf & bear
Multi-media, paper and oil 30 inches x 40 inches, unframed on 1-inch-thick canvas 600.00
When Divorce is Like a High Dose of DMT
Terence McKenna described psychoactive plants as boundary-dissolving, allowing you (forcing you) to step out of the headset and step back, making it easier to see what has been driving you (the machinery of culture, multigenerational family rules and expectations,...
A Warm-up: family structure and emotional connection
The first stage of a Heart-drama involves warming up, with the goal to activate an “act hunger” as it is called in psychodrama. Since this is a self-directed exploration, feel free to reflect on whatever comes to mind and go beyond whatever I might suggest. In the...
Resistance wants to kill the drama.
I can’t go there. There is no point in going there. I will be overwhelmed. I will look ridiculous, weak and full of self-pity. I will just be pathetic if I look like I am still holding on the past, blaming people who have already died or who radically changed or who...
Counseling/Coaching statement
Let me cut through the nonsense. What I will do for you. I am trained in various forms of couple’s therapy, and I will encourage the Prepare/Enrich online assessment to clarify needs and strengths, so we have clear objectives from the start. This modality always works...
Quality of Inspiration Pervasive
Pervasive Pervasive, Symbolic, Enlarged A theology of immanence means treating each thing, animate and inanimate…natural and mand-made, as if it were alive, requiring what each living thing requires above all else: careful attention to its’ properties, their specific...
Quality of Inspiration Energetic
Energetic Cunning Unleashed, Penetrating Hunters prefer to believe in their destructive illusions and ego-invented creeds and are blind to the mammalian need to love the world. But the Queen of the forest long ago recognized their selfish gospels created...
Quality of Inspiration Responsiveness
Responsive Self-Mastery, Strength, Engaged This force is frightening for many because we have all been preyed upon, and we are uncomfortable with assertions of strength, reflectively disowning our potency or letting it flash abusively. There is enormous power in...
Quality of Inspiration Inventiveness
Inventiveness Creative, Magical, Captivating Fox is known to be inventive and resourceful, solutions coming quickly to her, miraculously pulling her from danger at the last moment. Though she is a deliberate, confident creature of the day, she is also sure of...
Quality of Inspiration Sacred
Sacred Insightful, Spacious, Sensual Fox is grounded in Tiger energy. Though clearly there is immense potency within her, she moves as if floating on a river current, leaving an undisturbed trail, barely bending the grasses. For this moment she has settled in...