
Insightful, Spacious, Sensual


Fox is grounded in Tiger energy.   Though clearly there is immense potency within her, she moves as if floating on a river current, leaving an undisturbed trail, barely bending the grasses.

For this moment she has settled in place and surveys the landscape with sustained focus. With her silent animal mind so fully embodied, she watches the shimmering heat give rise to the changing multiplicity of forms.  In her, there is no human resistance or skeptical thought that interferes with a full connection to power deep as the roots that bind us all. She knows a transcendent reality effortlessly springing possibility into existence.  

Why This Painting?

This sacred quality of the Inspired Self consecrates the stage. Transforming every inch, moving us beyond the profane, an experience that cannot be explained in words. All is holy.

In this Surplus Reality, what had seemed ordinary is illuminated, multidimensional (beyond the left hemisphere’s maps and goals). Allow yourself to enter the Artist/Child. Here insightful awareness is spacious and sensual.

This portrait of Fox calling on the resources of the Tiger encourages us to hold the center beyond apparent division. In the face of chittering squirrels and the sonorous one-notes of self-important bullfrogs, and the multiplicity of flittering life, paw down 6 inches and remind yourself of the rooted force that holds the landscape entwined. There is a Oneness mightier than any one of us. Everything is connected to source at the deepest level, despite the animosity and division that could distract us and spoil the day.

Practicing this open state does not weaken, it makes us more flexible, wiser. In psychodynamic and experiential therapies, insight is the uncovering of unconscious conflicts, unresolved childhood experiences and protective defense-mechanisms that operate automatically and can contribute to psychological distress. Gaining comprehensive and deep sight requires the courage of a Tiger to guide us to personal transformation.


Consider the ways you can remain grounded despite the conflicts around you. Even in supposed professional meetings and in intimate spaces, if there is pettiness, it can feel as if judgements are pointing at you, especially if they are looking at you when they chatter (though I have found most likely they are in a trance state and don’t see you at all). Like all mammals, you will feel a gravitational pull toward some old familiar ways to deal with conflict, such as hiding away, fawning, or savagely attacking. Old wounds may even call you to dissociate when you are unable to physically respond.

If your wounded child is already primed by stress and distress that you have been ignoring (pushing down), unconscious energies will call the Child’s Heart to remember the ancient burdens more deeply. Feeling increasingly raw, you will want nothing more than to slide away, slide out further and for longer from the body, abandoning your Truth, finding yourself acting in a way you will later regret.

But the Tiger in you does not lose its stripes. Remind yourself that you are joined with a force that moves through all things. Her power surges through you when you are spacious. Focus on breathing through anxiety. Give yourself time to move your sensual body. Walk in Nature to inspire peace and awe. Remind yourself of your great Heart that cannot be intimidated by the foolishness of little animals. And begin to journal.


If someone is attempting to drive you away from the land where you belong, they don’t know who they are dealing with. They apparently have no awareness of your connection to an Inspired source. Don’t dismiss them or, like Pollyanna, try to convince yourself that they really mean no harm, or they are just not informed enough, or they are simply misunderstood people with good intentions. However obviously ridiculous or inconsequential they may seem, they can create chaos; and, like the wicked witch of the West, they may have trained monkeys ready to fly at their command.

Do not defend yourself because that is likely to cause more attacks. Avoid the tendency to be self-contained. Seek out other Tigers and spend time with those who share your awareness. Those who are mighty but kind. This increases the Inspired play, love and power available to you in your experiential landscape, and it tends to silence the morons.