Facilitated by Ray Holland, this is a group to help us get to the reality beneath all the lies we’ve learned, to get to what is true and worthy of our life. 1 ½ hours per group for 6 weeks. Meets on Zoom Thursday from 6-7:30. Starts and ends on time, though Ray will be available 15 minutes before and after group. Minimum of 8 participants maximum of 12. There will be another facilitator who operates in the capacity of Lifeguard, in case anyone needs to break away and process for a moment.
This requires a 6-week commitment. Each group meets Thursday at 6-7:30 pm. These sessions are focused on connecting to our inner states that often run the show but are ill-equipped to do so, sabotaging our growth & healing. There will be some group discussion, but this is not talk-therapy. In fact I don’t consider this therapy, but education combined with some coaching. It is non-pathologizing (so, note it is not going to be covered by insurance). There will be active explorations of issues described in the outline below. Since the group is limited to 12, and the minimum size is 8, please call as soon as possible to confirm your interest at 828-890-8340. Leave a voice mail and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Additional Resources:
This group provides multiple handouts and suggestions for continuing the work between groups. There will be homework that can help you reflect after each group and to prepare for the following group. Ray will offer one ½ hour free consultation at any time during the 6 weeks. If therapy is requested, then sessions will be offered at a reduced fee for participants during the 6 weeks.
The cost for 6 weeks of group, total of 9 hours, is 450.00 per participant if registered by May 19th. The regular cost of group is 600.00.
For payment, an invoice will be sent through PayPal and must be paid 3 days prior to the first group meeting. If the 6 week group must be cancelled for any reason, then you will be fully reimbursed. Otherwise, there will be no refunds.
Though it is not required, Heart-drama: A Way to Beauty and Truth, by Ray Holland LCMHC is available as book or eBook on Amazon.
First Group: Intro to group process & understanding the concept of Self Understanding the group. Identifying resources so that group is emotionally manageable. Attempting some easy role-reversal, and how to respond to group members, rather than give advice and high-jack their process. Recognizing how we get triggered when between polarities or conflicts. Identifying how to calm down the triggered state. Suggestions and practices between groups.
Second Group: Focus on Family Roles and Persona. Focus of the 2nd group: Understanding the way family of origin can leave an impact on our thoughts, feelings and body. Until we do the work, we typically find “familiar” people right on our level of disfunction and find healthy systems uncomfortable. In this group we explore biological triangles, roles, personality identities, and games.
Third week: Attachment Pain, as it shows up in couple systems. The focus of the 3rd group is to explore how childhood adverse experiences show up in our more intimate attachments. Exploring how the state of our relationships is dependent on the state we bring to it, and on the capacity and skills we have to invite into them a co-creation that will build the connection. Recognizing the patterns that create the dance of dysfunction and considering how and when to turn off defenses. Considering ways to respond whenever either partner is triggered.
Fourth Week: Addiction and Self-Deception. Focus of the 4th group is to recognize Self-Deceptive parts and to differentiate them (remain connected but separate). Begin to know their purpose, and witness their unhelpful attempt to help us. Learn where they come from, what triggers them to jump in. This moves beyond gaining insight to externalizing them on stage so that they can be more directly accessed and influenced.
Fifth Week: Types of Barriers and Methods of Interruption. Focus of the 5th group is to comprehend Barriers and to explore ways to interrupt a pattern that diminishes our life. Turning this interruption into a Heart-drama Ritual, an action that conveys our intent and/or a visualization that can be used as a daily practice. Group chooses a Heart-drama and members help with enactment.
Sixth Week: Reflecting on Rituals Focus of the final group: How to be released from learned helplessness into freedom. How to claim a new inspired story about our life to use daily Rituals. We will consider what is an Alluring Future. What is a Narrative of Joy and how to create it. We will also consider and commit to some way to continue to EXPAND, Developing rather than Withering.