Bear holding the bouquet of Lotus-dendron is an essential identity. This Inspired Self resists being contained in language. It’s not a behavior nor an activity, not a habit, not a job or even a career, not a role or an obligation of an expectation and insight. Putting labels or even words to it is a fool’s errand from the start. As soon as we apply a name, we have prebaby obscured as much as we have revealed.
Yet it is a state that needs to be identified and sought after. A state of being-in-the-world that requires a daily practice. maybe many daily practices to start…until we become the bear in a landscape of Lotus-dendron. Suddenly it makes sense why we have not been able to skill ourselves out of trauma. Why we have not skilled ourselves out of addictions. Why we cannot skill ourselves into an intimate connection.
The solution is not a skill but a state of being.